
1. Hard Out Here: Lily Allen (the genius with a bob)

Not saying ‘it’s hard out here for a bitch’ is totally inspiring, but when it comes to being pissed about sexism and not being able to eat carbs, Lily’s f*cking Ghandi. Ever since Everything’s So Wonderful I knew this woman got me.

“I wanna be able to eat spaghetti bolognese, and not feel bad about it for days and days and days. All the magazines they talk about weight loss, if I buy those jeans, I could look like Kate Moss?”

Great come-back Lily. As I tuck into my Indian takeaway in celebration of the start of my hardcore diet tomorrow, your songs help me realise how much I want this diet to happen, but know it won’t – ‘I suppose it’s just the way the cookie crumbles’… in my mouth.

2. Please Don’t Say You Love Me: Gabrielle Aplin (beautifully understated)

I don’t want to pull the whole ‘I knew her first’ routine. But I will. Pre-Christmas-2012, I was listening on YouTube. Though cutesie YouTubers don’t normally grab my attention, her lyrics kept me listening. (Originally with thanks to Made In Chelsea – I think Panic Cord played behind an Olly-related disaster). As I’m feeling admittedly rather low recently, her lyrics say much more to me than just ‘I don’t know if I’m ready to say love you yet’. As I’ve found it more and more difficult to find the fun and enjoyment in things in the past few weeks, the lyrics, to me, say -just because I can’t put everything into my relationship and friendships at the moment, doesn’t mean  I don’t care, so don’t be offended if I can’t convince you right now. *Cringy Insight* On the upside, it’s great chilled walking music.

3. Crashed The Wedding: Busted (on the subject of Busted…)

10 years ago, this Busted-classic hit number 1 in the UK. (I’m starting to realise how old I am.) Yet, I still love their songs, and in proof of this — and I know it’s sad but– I bought ticks to McBusted’s tour (standing, I will add). I can’t wait. Was never a huge McFly fan, but their songs are pretty catchy, and have contributed to a number of drunken playlists. Busted dragged me from a world of bad (cough, amazing) music like S Club and Spice Girls, and into the indie rock I mostly listen to today. I still know all the words to most of the songs, and can’t wait to finally see them live.

“He’s always hated me! Cos I never got a J.O.B!”


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