Romance Is Dead

Why can’t boys pretend to live like a cute 50s couple in Ikea?

Why can’t boys really run through the airport and stop you getting on the plane… or sing to you over the P.A system?

-The Wedding Singer
-The Wedding Singer

Why can’t boys turn up at the door holding heartfelt signs?

-Love Actually
-Love Actually

Why can’t boys sneak to your house in the middle of the night just because they needed to see you?

-Romeo & Juliet

Why can’t boys turn up outside your window, holding a boom box playing your song?

Romeo & Juliet
-Say Anything

Why can’t boys tell you how perfect you are and wrap you in his coat and kiss you in the snow, even after you wrote a diary about how much of a prick he was? 

-Bridget Jones' Diary
-Bridget Jones’ Diary

Why can’t boys climb a ferris wheel to make you go on a date with them, or write to you every day because they miss you so badly?

-The Notebook
-The Notebook

Why can’t boys perform a huge public musical number for you – or at least sing you a bloody song?

-10 Things I Hate About You
-10 Things I Hate About You

Why can’t boys name stars after you?

-A Walk To Remember
-A Walk To Remember

When they upset you, why can’t boys do everything they can to find you and perform some romantic gesture?

-Sixteen Candles
-Sixteen Candles

Why can’t boys love you even when you go psycho bitch for a bit?

-Silver Linings Playbook
-Silver Linings Playbook

Why can’t boys say corny, romantic things?

-Hunger Games
-Hunger Games

-Easy A
-Easy A

No one’s asking for men to really attach millions of balloons to their house, or to really drown in freezing water as to save your life, or to take you on a fucking magic carpet ride, or to throw you Gatsby parties, or be as amazing a singer as Christian in Moulin Rouge. No one is asking the impossible. Yet, where’s the surprise flowers, where’s the dates, where’s the love letters? No where. Because Hollywood fucking lied.

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